Some links of stuff I appreciated this month. Links to French content are in a separate post. You can also take the time machine to November 2014.
What if instead to understand how the brain works, we copy the neural connections as is? This is what the OpenWorm project tries to do with C. elegans. And, big surprise, that works and allows a bot to move.
An infographics of the locality of Wikipedia participants shows without any surprise they are mainly from Europe and North America.
If you’re into dumps, the Wikipedia / MediaWiki XML dump grepper will help you to find a particular piece of data, like the text of one article.
Dev / search. The silver searcher, ag, offers a faster approach than ack to search your code.
Fun / autogenerator. Some years ago, cgMusic offered an implementation on how a computer program could create music. Add some image generation techniques and a word generators, and you can have a fake music generator offering full albums. Ælfgar has stumbled upon Liquified Death by Income Yield.
GIS. Turf is a new open source JavaScript GIS library. This post explains the capabilities and features, including its great offline support.
What if an Arduino embeds a web server and allows programmation from the web browser? This is exactly what the Photon by Spark does.
An infographics showing satellites orbiting Earth and a point of view of the Uber economy.
The GoT series offer some comprehensive scenes of torture. Did you ask yourself their interest or need for the plot? Marie Brennan offers a great opinion in « Welcome to the Desert of the Real ».
One thought on December 2014 links