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Read moreHowto configure Visual Studio to debug RunUO ?
When I was dev on a french strict roleplaying oriented RunUO shard, Kocham (ex Siècle de Fer), I loved Visual Studio not only to code but almost to debug and track errors.
Here a quick howto to configure your IDE.
Read moreMS DOS 6.22
Sometimes, on #Win, someone how to get DOS or what’s alternative DOS (like FreeDOS) use for old applications and games.
Do you know Microsoft you can freely download MS-DOS 6.22 since 1999 ?
Read moreAround Tchernobyl
Ghost Town
Land of the wolves
Photographies and little texts allow us to discover the ukranian and bielorussian areas around the reactor.
Read moreInclude a TCL script (or another CGI flavour) on your PHP code
Websites as graphs – an HTML DOM Visualizer Applet
Imagine you’re an HTML DOM Visualizer, what would you see ?
Aharef give us an answer coding one in Processing, based on Traer Physics.
Now, let’s see the look and feel of this blog, www.dereckson.be www.double-v.com and Espace Win 🙂
Read morePHP/MySQL :: Quickly import and export data
To import or export MySQL dumps, we can use mysql and mysqldump commands. Let’s call them from PHP.
Read moreCopy files edited after a specified date with xcopy
How to quickly copy in your prod website your last modifications ?
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